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Atlas Copco 0147136503 Screw

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Brand- Atlas Copco

P/N: 0147136503

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Atlas Copco 0147136503 Screw

Atlas Copco 0147136503 Screw

Product Description :

  • A screw is a type of fastener commonly used in construction, woodworking, and machinery.
  • It typically consists of a threaded shaft that spirals around a central core.
  • Screws are used to hold objects together by being rotated into place, usually with a screwdriver or power tool.
  • A screw is a type of fastener that is characterize by a helical ridge, known as threads, that wraps around a cylindrical shaft.
  • It is design to be paired with a corresponding threaded hole or nut to fasten objects together.
  • Screws are widely use in various applications for joining, securing, or fastening components.
  • Screws are fundamental components use in construction, woodworking, automotive, electronics, and various other industries.
  • The helical ridges along the shaft of the screw are called threads.
  • Threads are essential for the screw’s function as they engage with the corresponding threads in a nut or threaded hole.

Product Specification :

  • Brand : Atlas Copco
  • Category : Screw
  • Part No.: 0147136503



Atlas Copco

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