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Atlas Copco 1089939401 Toggle Switch

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Brand : Atlas Copco
P/N : 1089939401

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atlas copco

Atlas Copco 1089939401 Toggle Switch

Atlas Copco 1089939401 Toggle Switch

Product Description :

  • It is a type of electrical switch that is manually actuated by a mechanical lever, handle, or toggle.They operate with a lever mechanism that moves back and forth (toggles) to open or close electrical circuits. The lever can be flipped up or down (or side to side) to toggle between the ON and OFF positions.
  • The lever typically moves between two stable positions, providing tactile feedback to indicate whether the switch is ON or OFF.They are typically made from durable materials such as metal or plastic, depending on the application requirements.
  • They are simple mechanical devices with a long lifespan, providing dependable operation for many years.

Product Specification :

  • Brand : Atlas Copco
  • Part Number : 1089939401



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