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Atlas Copco 2252049595 Regulator Valve

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Brand : Atlas Copco
P/N : 2252049595

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atlas copco

Atlas Copco 2252049595 Regulator Valve

Atlas Copco 2252049595 Regulator Valve

Product Description :

  • It is a type of control valve used in various industries and applications to regulate the flow rate, pressure, or direction of fluids (liquids, gases, or slurries) within a piping system.
  • The primary function of a regulator valve is to control the flow rate of fluid passing through a pipeline. It can vary the opening or closing of the valve to adjust the flow according to process requirements.
  • They can maintain a specific pressure level within a system by adjusting the valve’s position based on pressure signals from sensors or controllers.
  • They are critical components in fluid handling systems, providing precise control over flow rates, pressures, and fluid temperatures to ensure efficient and safe operation across various industrial and commercial applications.

Product Specification :

  • Brand : Atlas Copco
  • Part Number : 2252049595



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