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Atlas Copco 3115600488 Bushing

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Brand : Atlas Copco

P/N: 3115600488

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Atlas Copco 3115600488 Bushing

Atlas Copco 3115600488 Bushing

Product Description :

  • A bushing is a type of bearing or sleeve that is typically cylindrical in shape. It is use as a lining or guide for a rotating shaft, pin, or hinge.
  • It is a type of bearing or lining designed to reduce friction and wear within mechanical parts while providing some degree of movement.
  • They are commonly used in machinery, automotive systems, and various types of equipment to enhance performance and longevity by absorbing shock and vibration.
  • Bushings are generally made from materials such as metal, rubber, or plastic, and they come in various shapes and sizes depending on the application.
  • Bushings are often made of materials such as bronze, brass, or other metals, as well as plastic or composite materials.
  • A bushing is an insulating device that is use to protect and insulate the point where a wire or cable passes through a panel or enclosure. It helps prevent abrasion and damage to the insulation of the wire.

Product Specification :

  • Brand : Atlas Copco
  • Part No. : 3115600488
  • Description : Rot.ch. Bushing
  • Use in : Cop 1838hd+ , Cop 1838mux+ , Cop 2550+



Atlas Copco

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