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Atlas Copco 3176368100 Hose Strap

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Brand- Atlas Copco

P/N: 3176368100

Categories: ,
atlas copco

Atlas Copco 3176368100 Hose Strap

Atlas Copco 3176368100 Hose Strap

Product Description :

  • A hose strap is a securing device used to fasten or bundle hoses together, often for organizational or safety purposes.
  • It helps prevent hoses from tangling, kinking, or getting in the way while in use or during storage.
  • Hose straps are typically adjustable, allowing them to fit different hose sizes, and they can be made of materials such as nylon, rubber, or metal, depending on the application.
  • It is a device used to secure and tighten a hose onto a fitting or barb.
  • It is commonly used in plumbing, automotive, and various industrial applications to prevent leaks and ensure a secure connection between hoses and other components.
  • Hose straps are typically made of metal, such as stainless steel or galvanized steel, though plastic versions are also available.
  • Hose straps are designed as circular bands with a mechanism for tightening.

Product Specification:

Description STRAP; HOSE: CAM BUCKLE: 600MM
Suits OEMs: Atlas Copco
Part Number: 3176368100
Size: 600mm
Weight (KG) 0.0750



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