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Baldwin RS3715 Radial Seal Air Filter

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Brand : Baldwin
P/N : RS3715

Baldwin RS3715 Radial Seal Air Filter

Baldwin RS3715 Radial Seal Air Filter

Product Description :

  • A radial seal air filter is a type of air filter commonly used in various machinery, including vehicles, industrial equipment, and HVAC systems.
  • The “radial seal” refers to the way the filter seals within its housing, providing an airtight connection between the filter and the housing to ensure that only filtered air enters the system.
  • They are specialized filters designed to provide effective filtration for various applications, particularly in engines and HVAC systems.
  • They typically have a circular design that creates a seal around the filter element when installed.
  • This design helps prevent unfiltered air from bypassing the filter.
  • They often use high-efficiency filtration media, such as synthetic or cellulose materials, which capture dust, dirt, and other contaminants effectively.
  • These filters are built to withstand harsh conditions, making them suitable for both automotive and industrial applications.

Product Specification :

Outside Diameter: 3 17/32 (89.7)
Inside Diameter: 1 3/4 (44.4) One End
Length: 7 (177.8)




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