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Beta Tool 14921 Oil Filter Wrench

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Brand : Beta Tool
P/N : 14921

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Beta Tool 14921 Oil Filter Wrench

Beta Tool 14921 Oil Filter Wrench

Product Description :

  • An oil filter wrench is a tool used to remove the oil filter from a vehicle’s engine. It typically has a band or a strap that can be tightened around the filter to provide a firm grip, allowing you to twist and loosen the filter from its housing.
  • There are different types of oil filter wrenches available, including strap wrenches, socket-style wrenches, and pliers-style wrenches, each designed to fit different sizes and types of oil filters. They’re essential for DIY oil changes or whenever you need to replace your vehicle’s oil filter.
  • The primary purpose of an oil filter wrench is to securely grip and twist the oil filter, enabling its removal or installation without causing damage to the filter or surrounding components.

Product Specification :

  • Size – 190mm
  • Brand : Beta Tool
  • Part Number : 14921



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