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Beta Tool 170918 Nut Splitter

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Brand : Beta Tool
P/N : 170918

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Beta Tool 170918 Nut Splitter

Beta Tool 170918 Nut Splitter

Product Descrption :

  • They are designed to cut through the nut without damaging the bolt or stud it’s attached to, allowing for the removal of the nut from the threaded assembly.
  • They typically consist of a sharp blade or wedge that is driven into the nut’s surface. As pressure is applied, the splitter cuts into the nut, causing it to split apart and release its grip on the bolt or stud. Some nut splitters may have adjustable blades or wedges to accommodate different nut sizes.
  • They are commonly used in automotive, construction, and industrial settings where nuts may become seized due to corrosion, rust, or overtightening. They are particularly useful for removing nuts in hard-to-reach or confined spaces where traditional methods may not be effective.
  • They are valuable tools for safely and effectively removing seized nuts, saving time and effort compared to alternative methods such as cutting or grinding. They are essential additions to any toolkit for professionals and DIY enthusiasts alike.

Product Specification :

  • Brand : Beta Tool
  • Part Number : 170918



Beta Tools

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