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Beta Tool 1850E Electronic Heat Gun

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Brand : Beta Tool

P/N : 1850E

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Beta Tool 1850E Electronic Heat Gun

Beta Tool 1850E Electronic Heat Gun

Product Description :

  • They also known simply as a heat gun, is a handheld device that generates a stream of hot air for various heating applications.
  • They operates by passing an electric current through a heating element, typically a coil or ceramic heating element, which generates heat. A fan inside the device then blows air over the heated element, producing a stream of hot air that is directed at the target surface.
  • They come with adjustable temperature settings, allowing users to control the intensity of the heat output. This feature is useful for accommodating different materials and applications that require specific temperature ranges.
  • They are versatile tools that provide a controlled stream of hot air for a wide range of heating applications in various industries and professions. With adjustable temperature and airflow settings, along with safety features and optional accessories, they offer flexibility and convenience for tasks requiring heat treatment or manipulation.

Product Specification :

• Digital display
• Temperature and flow rate adjustment buttons
• Pos. I 250-500 l/min 50 °C
• Pos. II 250-500 l/min 50-650 °C




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