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Cummins 3942915 Filter Head Gasket

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Brand : Cummins
P/N: 3942915

Cummins 3942915 Filter Head Gasket

Cummins 3942915 Filter Head Gasket

Product Description :

  • It is a sealing component that is placed between the filter head and the oil filter in various engines and systems, such as those found in automobiles, trucks, industrial machinery, or heavy equipment. The filter head is a part of the system that holds and attaches the oil filter to the engine, typically mounted to the engine block or other parts of the lubrication system. The gasket ensures that the filter head remains tightly sealed, preventing leaks of oil or other fluids.
  • The primary function of the filter head gasket is to seal the connection between the filter head and the oil filter, preventing oil or fluid from leaking out. Oil leakage from the filter head can lead to a loss of lubrication, causing engine damage or reducing performance.

Product Specification :

  • Brand : Cummins
  • Part Number : 3942915




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