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Doosan 46650102 Oil Filter

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Brand : Doosan

P/N : 46650102

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Doosan 46650102 Oil Filter

Doosan 46650102 Oil Filter

Product Description :

  • It is a crucial component in an internal combustion engine. Its primary function is to remove contaminants from the engine oil, ensuring that the oil circulating through the engine remains clean and free from particles that could cause damage.
  • These typically housed in a metal or plastic casing that protects the filter media and facilitates easy installation and removal. Regularly changing the oil filter, along with regular oil changes, is essential for maintaining the health of the engine and prolonging its lifespan
  • It’s generally recommended to replace the oil filter every time you change the engine oil, though specific recommendations may vary depending on the vehicle manufacturer and driving conditions.As the filter becomes saturated with contaminants, it needs to be replaced to maintain optimal engine performance and longevity.

Product Specification :

  • Brand : Doosan
  • Part Number : 46650102
  • Type : Oil Filter




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