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Carrier HD52AK002 Fan Motor

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Brand: Carrier

P/N: HD52AK002

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Carrier HD52AK002 Fan Motor

Carrier HD52AK002 Fan Motor

Product Description :

  • A fan motor is an electric motor that powers a fan, which is used to move air or gases in various applications.
  • The motor converts electrical energy into mechanical energy, which drives the fan blades, causing them to rotate and circulate air.
  • Fan motors are commonly found in appliances like ceiling fans, HVAC systems, computer cooling systems, and automotive applications.
  • A fan motor is an electric motor specifically designed for driving fans to circulate air.
  • Fan motors are commonly used in a variety of applications, ranging from household appliances to industrial machinery.
  • The primary function of a fan motor is to drive the rotation of fan blades, creating airflow.
  • This airflow is used for various purposes, including cooling electronic components, ventilating spaces, or enhancing heat dissipation in machinery.

Product Specification:

Cubic Measurement 0.4083
Cycle/Hertz 50 Hz
Dimensional Weight 18
Duty Continuous
Full Load Amps 6.3
Height 6.25
Length 16.125
NEMA Frame 56
Number of Speeds 1 (Single)
Length 16.125 Inches (in)
Width 7 Inches (in)
Height 6.25 Inches (in)




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