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Fluke 1507 Insulation Resistance Tester

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Brand : Fluke

P/N : 1507

Fluke 1507 Insulation Resistance Tester

Fluke 1507 Insulation Resistance Tester

Product Description :

  • It is a device used to measure the resistance of insulation in electrical systems. This measurement helps to ensure that electrical insulation is effective and that it can safely withstand electrical stress. Insulation resistance testers are crucial for preventive maintenance and safety in electrical installations.
  • The tester applies a high voltage (typically between 250V and 5kV) to the insulation between conductors or between a conductor and the ground.It measures the resistance of the insulation as the current flows through it.
  • The resistance value is displayed on a digital or analog meter. Some advanced models also provide additional diagnostic information.

Product Specification :

  • Rugged, compact advanced insulation resistance tester for electrical contractors and industrial and commercial electricians
  • Automatically calculates Polarization Index and Dielectric Absorption Ratio.
Measurement range 0.01 MΩ to 10 GΩ
Test voltage 50 V, 100 V, 250 V, 500 V, 1000 V
Test voltage accuracy + 20%, – 0%
Short circuit current 1 mA nominal
Auto discharge Discharge time < 0.5 second for C = 1 µF or less
Live circuit indicator Inhibit test if terminal voltage > 30 V prior to initialization of test
Maximum capacitive load Operable with up to 1 µF load




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