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Fluke 179EDA2 Accessories Kit

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Brand : Fluke

P/N: 179EDA2

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Fluke 179EDA2 Accessories Kit

Fluke 179EDA2 Accessories Kit

Product Description:

  • An Accessories Kit is a collection of supplementary components or tools that are typically used alongside a primary product to enhance its functionality, ease of use, or performance. These kits are often bundled with equipment, machinery, or tools to provide everything needed for effective operation, maintenance, or customization.These kits are often design to provide users with a range of tools or add-ons that can improve the overall user experience or address specific needs. The contents of an accessories kit can vary widely depending on the product or industry it is associated with.

Product Specification :

Voltage DC Accuracy1 ±(0.09% + 2)
Max. resolution 0.1 mV
Maximum 1000 V
Voltage AC Accuracy1 ±(1.0% + 3)
Max. resolution 0.1 mV
Maximum 1000 V
Current DC Accuracy1 ±(1.0% + 3)
Max. resolution 0.01 mA
Maximum 10 A
Current AC Accuracy1 ±(1.5% + 3)
Max. resolution 0.01 mA
Maximum 10 A
Resistance Accuracy1 ±(0.9% + 1)
Max. resolution 0.1 Ω
Maximum 50 MΩ
Capacitance Accuracy1 ±(1.2% + 2)
Max. resolution 1 nF
Maximum 10,000 µF
Frequency Accuracy1 ±(0.1% + 1)
Max. resolution 0.01 Hz
Maximum 100 kHz
Temperature Accuracy1 ±(1.0% + 10)
Max. resolution 0.1°C
Range -40°C / 400°C





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