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Fluke 754 Process Calibrator-HART

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Brand : Fluke

P/N : 754

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Fluke 754 Process Calibrator-HART

Fluke 754 Process Calibrator-HART

Product Description :

  • It is a power multifunction documenting calibrator that you can use to download procedures, lists, and instructions created with software,or upload data for printing, archiving, and analysis. The powerful built-in HART interface is capable of performing nearly all the day-to-day tasks you now perform with a separate communicator.
  • It sources, simulates and measures pressure, temperature, and electrical signals with one rugged, hand-held device.
  •  It does so many different tasks, so quickly and so well, it’s the only process calibrator you need to carry.

Product Specification :

  • Handles fast pulsed RTD transmitters and PLCs, with pulses as short as 1 ms
  • Creates and runs automated as-found/as-left procedures to satisfy quality programs or regulations, and records and documents results
  • Holds up to a full week of downloaded procedures and calibration results
  • Features a bright white dual display for reading both sourced and measured parameters simultaneously
  • Size : 136 x 245 x 63mm (5.4 x 9.6 x 2.5 in )




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