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Fluke 930 Non-Contact Tachometer

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Brand : Fluke

P/N: 930

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Fluke 930 Non-Contact Tachometer

Fluke 930 Non-Contact Tachometer

Product Description:

  • A Non-Contact Tachometer measures the rotational speed without physically touching the rotating object. It uses optical or laser sensors to detect changes in light or other properties as the object moves.
  • A non-contact tachometer is a device use to measure the rotational speed (revolutions per minute or RPM) of a rotating object without making physical contact with it.
  • The tachometer uses a laser or LED light that is directed at the rotating object. A reflective tape is typically placed on the object’s surface to improve the signal reflection.
  • The tachometer measures the time it takes for the reflected light to return to the sensor, calculating the rotational speed based on the frequency of the reflections.
  • There are various technologies use in non-contact tachometers, and one common method involves optical sensing.

Product Specifications :

Range Optical (non-contact) measurement: 1 to 99999 revolutions/minute
Contact measurement: 1 to 19999 revolutions/minute (Fluke 931 only)
Precision ±0.02%RD+1
Sensing distance (optical) 500 mm
Battery type (2) 1.5V LR6 (alkaline) AA battery
Battery life About 40 hours
Operating temperature 0°C to 50°C
Storage temperature -20°C to 70°C
Weight 250 g
Dimensions 175 × 60 × 28 mm




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