Kemper PS10OR O-Ring
Kemper PS10OR O-Ring
Product Description :
- An O-ring is a mechanical gasket in the shape of a torus, or doughnut shape. It is design to be seated in a groove and compressed during assembly between two or more parts, creating a seal at the interface.
- The primary function of an O-ring is to prevent the leakage or ingress of fluids or gases. O-rings are typically made from elastomers, which are rubber-like materials with the ability to compress and deform under pressure and then return to their original shape when the pressure is released.
- Common materials include nitrile rubber, silicone, fluorocarbon (Viton), and EPDM.
Product Specification :
- Brand : Kemper
- Part No.: PS10OR
- Category : O-ring
- Size – 10″