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Legrand 13320 Cartridge Fuse

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Brand: Legrand

P/N: 13320

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Legrand 13320 Cartridge Fuse

Legrand 13320 Cartridge Fuse

Product Description:

  • A cartridge fuse is a type of fuse commonly used in various electrical applications, including cars, industrial equipment, and home appliances.
  • It gets its name from its cylindrical shape, which resembles a small “cartridge.”
  • The fuse typically consists of a metal filament or wire inside a non-conductive tube, which melts when exposed to excessive current, interrupting the flow of electricity and protecting the circuit from damage.
  • A cartridge fuse is a type of electrical safety device that protects electrical circuits from overcurrent.
  • The fuse contains a fusible link (usually made of a metal such as silver or copper) that melts when exposed to excessive current, breaking the circuit and preventing damage to connected devices or electrical systems.
  • Cartridge fuses have a cylindrical shape, and they come in various sizes and voltage ratings to accommodate different electrical systems.

Product Specification :

Current Rating 20A
Fuse Size 10 x 38mm
Voltage Rating 500V ac
Body Material Ceramic
Application Category gG
Series 0 133





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