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Legrand 661545 Emergency Light

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Brand: Legrand

P/N: 661545

Categories: ,

Legrand 661545 Emergency Light

Legrand 661545 Emergency Light

Product Description:

  • An emergency light is a lighting device designed to provide illumination during power outages, emergencies, or in situations where additional visibility is required for safety purposes.
  • These lights are often installed in buildings, vehicles, and equipment to ensure that people can see and navigate safely when regular lighting may not be available or sufficient.
  • An emergency light is a battery-backed lighting device that automatically turns on when the power goes out.
  • Its primary purpose is to provide illumination during emergency situations, such as power outages or evacuations, ensuring that occupants can navigate safely in the absence of regular lighting.
  • Emergency lights are commonly found in various settings, including commercial buildings, residential spaces, industrial facilities, and public areas.
  • Emergency lights play a crucial role in maintaining safety and aiding evacuation procedures during power outages or emergencies.

Product Specification :

  • Brand : Legrand
  • Category : Emergency Light
  • Part No.: 661545




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