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Line Seiki TM-5010 EK Digital Tachometer

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Line Seiki TM-5010 EK Digital Tachometer

Line Seiki TM-5010 EK Digital Tachometer

Product Description:

  • An EK Digital Tachometer is a type of electronic device used to measure the rotational speed (RPM – revolutions per minute) of a shaft, motor, or other rotating equipment.
  • It is commonly used in industrial, automotive, and laboratory settings to monitor the speed of machinery or engines to ensure they operate within the required parameters for optimal performance.
  • Digital tachometers provide a digital display of the RPM readings, making them easier to read and interpret compared to analog counterparts.
  •   Digital tachometers are versatile and can be use in various applications, including automotive, industrial machinery, laboratory testing, and more.
  • Some digital tachometers have auto-ranging capabilities, adjusting the measurement range based on the speed of the rotating object.
  • The interface is designed to be user-friendly, allowing for easy setup and navigation of settings.

Product Specifications:





‎Line Seiki

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