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MAN 51541006066 Compressor Repair Kit Clutch Kit

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Brand: MAN

P/N : 51541006066

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MAN 51541006066 Compressor Repair Kit Clutch Kit

MAN 51541006066 Compressor Repair Kit Clutch Kit

Product Description:

  • A Compressor Repair Kit with a Clutch Kit is a set of components designed to repair and maintain the compressor, particularly the clutch mechanism.
  • This type of kit is commonly used in automotive air conditioning systems, industrial compressors, or refrigeration systems.
  • The compressor clutch is responsible for engaging and disengaging the compressor’s drive, allowing it to operate only when needed.
  • A compressor repair kit is a collection of replacement parts and components design to repair or refurbish an AC compressor.
  • A clutch kit typically includes components like the clutch plate, pressure plate, release bearing, and sometimes a pilot bearing or bushing.
  • These components are necessary for the proper operation of the clutch system.
  • These kits are use to address common issues with the AC compressor, such as refrigerant leaks or poor performance.

Product Specification :

Product Code 51541006066
Product Name Compressor Repair Kit Clutch Kit
Brand MAN
Size (mm) 140x70x150
Weight 2.38 kg
Product Group Electrical System





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