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Mountain Electronics 300798 Proccessor Board

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Brand : Mountain Electronics

P/N : 300798

Mountain Electronics 300798 Proccessor Board

Mountain Electronics 300798 Proccessor Board

Product Description :

  • It is a fundamental component of a computer or electronic device that houses the central processing unit (CPU) and provides connectivity and interfaces for other components.
  • They serve as the main platform on which the CPU is mounted. The CPU is responsible for executing instructions and processing data in the computer system.
  • They manage communication between the CPU and other components such as memory, storage devices, expansion cards, and peripherals. It provides the necessary interfaces and protocols for data transfer.
  • It is a crucial component in a computer system, providing the foundation for integrating and coordinating the operation of the CPU, memory, storage, expansion cards, and peripherals. Its design and features significantly impact the overall performance, expandability, and compatibility of the computer or electronic device.
  • They integrate components like audio controllers, network interfaces, Wi-Fi modules, and Bluetooth modules directly onto the board itself, reducing the need for separate expansion cards.

Product Specification :

  • Brand : Mountain Electronics
  • Part Number : 300798



Mountain Electronics

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