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MTU 0000160119 Seal Ring

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Brand : MTU

P/N : 0000160119

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MTU 0000160119 Seal Ring

MTU 0000160119 Seal Ring

Product Description :

  • It is a component use to prevent leakage or contain fluids within a system.
  • They are commonly found in various mechanisms, such as engines, pumps, hydraulic systems, and turbines. They come in different design and materials depending on the specific application requirements, such as temperature, pressure, and the type of fluid being sealed.
  • They are use as seal rings to prevent fluid leakage at joints and connections.
  • They are use in static sealing and some dynamic application.The material extrusion, and provide superior resistance to seal compression.

Product Specification :

  • Brand : MTU
  • Part Number : 0000160119
  • Category : Seal Ring
  • Seals the injector mating surfaces
  • Prevents fluid leaks
  • Reduces critical torque values
  • Limits wear on other essential components
  • Low cost, easy to use, lightweight



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