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MTU 207753313012 V-Belt Set

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Brand : MTU

P/N : 207753313012

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MTU 207753313012 V-Belt Set

MTU 207753313012 V-Belt Set

Product Description :

  • They are commonly use to transmit power from one rotating shaft to another in machinery such as industrial equipment, automobiles, and agricultural machinery.
  • These belts are commonly use in various industrial and automotive applications to transmit power from one shaft to another.
  • They are available in a variety of sizes, materials, and configurations to suit different applications and operating conditions.
  • They are necessary to ensure optimal performance and longevity.
  • They used in a wide range of applications for transmitting power efficiently and reliably between rotating shafts. They remain popular due to their simplicity, effectiveness, and cost-effectiveness in many industrial and mechanical systems.
  • V belts come in various sizes and profiles to accommodate different power transmission requirements. Common types include classical V belts (also known as wrapped V belts), narrow V belts, cogged V belts, and banded V belts.

Product Specification :

  • Brand : MTU
  • Material: Polyester
  • Belt Style: V Belt
  • Part Number : 207753313012




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