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MTU 5410532131 Intake Valve Seat Insert

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Brand : MTU
P/N : 5410532131

MTU 5410532131 Intake Valve Seat Insert

MTU 5410532131 Intake Valve Seat Insert

Product Description :

  • It is a specific type of valve seat insert that is installed in the cylinder head of an engine, specifically for the intake valve. The intake valve is responsible for allowing the air-fuel mixture into the combustion chamber, so the insert must provide a durable, heat-resistant surface to support this function.
  • The primary role of the intake valve seat insert is to provide a durable and wear-resistant surface for the intake valve to seal against when it closes. A good seal ensures that the air-fuel mixture enters the combustion chamber efficiently and without leakage.
  • The intake valve insert helps with heat dissipation. The intake valve typically operates at lower temperatures compared to the exhaust valve because the air-fuel mixture coming in is cooler. The insert ensures the heat generated by the valve during the intake process is transferred to the cylinder head.

Product Specification :

  • Brand : MTU
  • Part Number : 5410532131




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