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MTU 915005025002 Sealing Cone

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Brand : MTU
P/N : 915005025002

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MTU 915005025002 Sealing Cone

MTU 915005025002 Sealing Cone

Product Description :

  • It is a type of mechanical component designed to create a tight, secure seal between two parts to prevent the leakage of fluids, gases, or other substances. It is commonly used in various applications such as plumbing, automotive systems, industrial machinery, and more. Sealing cones are especially useful in situations where a high-pressure or high-temperature seal is required.
  • The sealing cone is shaped like a cone, typically with a tapered design that ensures a tight fit as it is compressed. The conical shape helps create a seal as the two parts it is connecting are tightened together.
  • The main purpose of a sealing cone is to create a leak-proof seal between two surfaces. It does so by compressing against one surface, deforming slightly to conform to the mating surface and forming a tight barrier against leaks.

Product Specification :

  • Brand : MTU
  • Part Number : 915005025002




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