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MTU X00041115 Banjo Screw

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Brand : MTU
P/N : X00041115

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MTU X00041115 Banjo Screw

MTU X00041115 Banjo Screw

Product Description :

  • It is a type of fastener that is commonly used in fluid systems, particularly in hydraulic and fuel systems. It is a specialized screw that features a banjo bolt design, which is a bolt with a hole through its shaft to allow fluid to pass through. It is often used in combination with a banjo fitting (or banjo connector) to create a secure and leak-free connection between hoses or pipes in applications that require fluid transfer.
  • The defining feature of a banjo screw is the hole running through its center. This hole allows fluid to flow through the screw, enabling it to connect different parts of a fluid system without obstructing the flow.
  • The end of the banjo screw often has a flat or tapered surface to create a tight seal when it is tightened against the banjo fitting. A copper washer or O-ring is typically used to ensure that the connection is sealed, preventing leaks.

Product  Specification :

  • Brand : MTU
  • Part Number : X00041115




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