- They are widely use in various electronic circuits and systems due to their high input impedance, fast switching speed, low power consumption, and compact size. It can be used as amplifiers in electronic circuits, providing voltage or current gain. They are commonly used as switches in digital logic circuits, power supplies, motor control, and other applications where fast switching and low power dissipation are required. They are also use in voltage regulation circuits, such as voltage regulators and voltage-controlled oscillators. They are versatile semiconductor devices widely use in electronics for amplification, switching, and voltage regulation purposes due to their excellent performance characteristics and reliability.
Product Specification:
- Manufacturer: ONSEMI
- Minimum Operating Temperature: – 55 C
- Maximum Operating Temperature: + 175 C
- Vds – Drain-Source Breakdown Voltage: 60 V
- Id – Continuous Drain Current: 98 A
- Rds On – Drain-Source Resistance: 3 mOhms
- Unit Weight: 2 g