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Proto J5853 Drive Adapter

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Brand: Proto

P/N: J5853

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Proto J5853 Drive Adapter

Proto J5853 Drive Adapter

Product Description:

  • It is a versatile tool use in conjunction with socket wrenches, ratchet handles, and other hand tools to allow for the use of sockets, extensions, or other accessories with different drive sizes or types.
  • They come in various size and configuration and play a crucial role in ensuring that your tools are compatible with different sockets and accessories.
  • They have both male and female ends.
  • The male end typically connects to your ratchet or wrench, while the female end connects to the socket or accessory.
  • The male end will have the drive size or type that corresponds to your tool, and the female end will have the drive size or type that matches your socket or accessory.

Product Specification:

Brand Proto
Item Dimensions LxWxH 6.25 x 0.82 x 0.51 inches
Size One Size
Material Blend
Finish Type Polished




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