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Quincy 1819-002 Discharge Valve Seat

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Brand : Quincy
P/N : 1819-002

Quincy 1819-002 Discharge Valve Seat

Quincy 1819-002 Discharge Valve Seat

Product Description :

  • It is a crucial component in systems like compressors, pumps, and certain internal combustion engines, where it provides a sealing surface for the discharge valve. The discharge valve seat is where the valve rests when it is closed, ensuring that there is no leakage of gas, air, or fluid once it has been compressed or pressurized.
  • The primary function of the discharge valve seat is to create a tight seal when the discharge valve closes. This prevents any leakage of compressed air, gas, or fluid, ensuring that the system maintains its pressure and operates efficiently.
  • By providing a secure seal, the discharge valve seat ensures that no pressurized substance leaks out, maintaining the system’s efficiency and performance. A worn or damaged valve seat can lead to significant pressure loss and reduced performance.

Product Specification :

  •  Brand : Quincy
  • Part Number : 1819-002


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