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Schneider Electric XB4BVM5 Pilot Light

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Schneider Electric XB4BVM5 Pilot Light

Schneider Electric XB4BVM5 Pilot Light

Product Description :

  • It is a small visual signaling device used in electrical control panels, machinery, equipment, and instruments. Its primary function is to provide immediate visual feedback to operators or maintenance personnel regarding the operational status or conditions of a system. Here’s an overview of the key features, types, and applications of pilot lights:
  • They typically use LEDs (Light Emitting Diodes) or incandescent bulbs as their light source. LEDs are more common nowadays due to their longer lifespan, lower energy consumption, and brighter illumination.
  • They use an integral LED. It has a metal bezel. This pilot light, designed to last without maintenance for a bright indication of process and machine operations, is easily installed into standard 22mm diameter cut-outs and connected with simple screw-clamp connections. It is clearly distinguishable visually at a distance thanks to a bright and long lasting LED illumination.

Product Specification :

  • Height- 47 mm
  • Width- 30 mm
  • Depth -54 mm
  • Color – Orange



Schneider Electric 

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