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Sun Hydraulics DAAMLHN Directional Valve

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Brand : Sun Hydraulics


Sun Hydraulics DAAMLHN Directional Valve

Sun Hydraulics DAAMLHN Directional Valve

Product Description :

  • It is a fundamental component in hydraulic and pneumatic systems. Its primary function is to control the direction of fluid flow within a system, thereby controlling the direction of movement of hydraulic actuators
  • The main function of a directional valve is to direct the flow of fluid or air to different ports based on the position of the valve. This allows the system to control the direction of movement of actuators.
  • They can be configured to have two, three, or more positions (positions refer to the number of different flow paths or ports the valve can connect).
  • They are critical in the design and operation of hydraulic and pneumatic systems because they provide precise control over the direction of movement of actuators. They enable machines and equipment to perform tasks efficiently and safely by allowing operators or automated systems to control the sequence and timing of movements.

Product Specification :

Capacity .25 gpm
Maximum Operating Pressure 5000 psi
Maximum Valve Leakage at 110 SUS (24 cSt) 10 drops/min.@5000 psi
Operating Torque 10 lbf in.
Valve Hex Size 7/8 in.
Valve Installation Torque 20 – 25 lbf ft
Model Weight 0.58 lb.



Sun Hydraulics

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