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Sun Hydraulics PRDBLWN Relieving Valve

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Sun Hydraulics PRDBLWN Relieving Valve

Sun Hydraulics PRDBLWN Relieving Valve

Product Description :

  • They commonly referred to as a pressure relief valve or simply a relief valve, is a safety device used to manage and control the pressure within a system. Its primary function is to prevent excessive pressure buildup that could lead to equipment damage or failure.
  • Maintains the pressure within a system by releasing excess pressure when it exceeds a predetermined set point.Protects equipment and components from damage caused by overpressure conditions. By venting excess pressure, it helps prevent catastrophic failures and maintains safe operation.
  • Protects equipment and components from damage caused by overpressure conditions. By venting excess pressure, it helps prevent catastrophic failures and maintains safe operation.

Product Specification :

Capacity 10 gpm
Maximum Operating Pressure 5000 psi
Factory Pressure Settings Established at 0.25 gpm
Maximum Valve Leakage at 110 SUS (24 cSt) 2 in³/min.
Adjustment – No. of CW Turns from Min. to Max. setting 5
Valve Hex Size 7/8 in.
Valve Installation Torque 30 – 35 lbf ft
Adjustment Screw Internal Hex Size 5/32 in.
Locknut Hex Size 9/16 in.
Locknut Torque 80 – 90 lbf in.



Sun Hydraulics

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