Semikron SKKT273/18E Thyristor
Semikron SKKT273/18E Thyristor
- It is a type of semiconductor device widely used in electronics and power control applications. It is also known as a silicon-controlled rectifier (SCR). Thyristors are primarily use as switching devices to control the flow of electric current in a unidirectional manner. They are known for their high current-carrying capacity, reliability, and robustness. They can handle both AC and DC currents, making them versatile for different applications. They are also cost-effective compared to some other power switching devices. There are several types of thyristors, including standard SCRs, gate turn-off thyristors (GTOs), and integrated gate-commutated thyristors (IGCTs), each with varying characteristics and applications.
Product Specification:
Semikron | |
Type of module
thyristor | |
Semiconductor structure
double series | |
Max. off-state voltage
1.8kV | |
Load current
274A | |
Max. forward voltage
1.6V | |
Max. forward impulse current
9kA | |
Gate current
150mA | |
Electrical mounting
screw | |
Mechanical mounting
screw |