TUTHILL 1703 Potentiometer
TUTHILL 1703 Potentiometer
Product Description:
- A Potentiometer is a type of variable resistor that is commonly used to measure or adjust voltage in an electrical circuit.
- It can be used as a voltage divider, where it allows you to change the output voltage by adjusting its resistance.
- Potentiometers are widely used in various applications such as controlling the volume on audio equipment, adjusting brightness in lighting systems, and in sensors for measuring displacement.
- It’s a type of variable resistor that has three terminals and a movable contact called a wiper.
- By rotating the knob or shaft of the potentiometer, the wiper’s position along a resistive track changes, resulting in a change in resistance and an adjustment in the output voltage or signal.
- They are commonly found in a wide range of electronics, including audio equipment, instrumentation, control systems, robotics, and more.
- They provide a convenient and effective way to manually adjust various parameters within electronic circuits.
Product Specification:
- Mechanical Characteristics: Total rotational angle : 300u00b0 u00b1 5u00b0
- Switch Rotational angle : 35u00b0 u00b1 5u00b0
- Rotational torque : 2 ~ 20mN.m (20 ~200gf.cm)
- Switch Action : 15-45mNm. (150-450gf.cm)
- Rotation stopper strength : 0.7N.m (7kgf.cm)
- Push pull strength : 80N (4kgf)
- Bushing nut tightening strength : 0.7N.m (7kgf.cm)
- Electrical characteristics: Total resistance : 22k
- Total resistance tolerance : u00b1 20% (more than 1Mu038f u00b1 30%)
- Rated power : Curve B:0.2W, Other than B:0.1W
- Switch Rated Power : 0.5A at AC/250V
- Max. operating voltage : curve B : 200V, Other than B : 150V
- Switch Contact Resistance : less than 30mu038f
- Resistance taper : A,B,C,D,W
- max Insulation resistance : More than 100Mu038f at DC 500V
- Durability: Rotational life : 10,000 Cycles
- Withstand voltage : for 1 minute or more at AC 500V
- Slide noise : less than 80mV