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Volvo 22823727 Exhaust Brake

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Brand : Volvo
P/N : 22823727

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Volvo 22823727 Exhaust Brake

Volvo 22823727 Exhaust Brake

Product Description :

  • It is a device used in vehicles, particularly heavy-duty trucks and some RVs, to assist with slowing down the vehicle by utilizing the engine’s exhaust system.
  • Thus provides additional braking power by creating back pressure in the engine’s exhaust system. This back pressure increases the resistance against the engine’s crankshaft, which helps slow down the vehicle.
  • By helping to slow the vehicle, the exhaust brake reduces reliance on the traditional service brakes, which can extend their lifespan and improve overall braking efficiency.Provides better control when descending steep grades or driving in hilly terrain by reducing the need for frequent braking.
  • Helps prevent brake overheating and reduces the risk of brake fade, which can be dangerous in heavy-duty driving conditions.By lessening the reliance on service brakes, the exhaust brake helps reduce wear and tear on the brake components.

Product Specification :

  • Brand : Volvo
  • Part Number : 22823727




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