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Yokogawa F9443AA Vortex Flowmeter

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Brand : Yokogawa

P/N : F9443AA

Yokogawa F9443AA Vortex Flowmeter

Yokogawa F9443AA Vortex Flowmeter

Product Description :

  • It is a type of flow measurement device used to measure the flow rate of gases and liquids in pipes.It detects the frequency at which these vortices are shed, and from this, it calculates the flow rate of the fluid.
  • It  is accurate and stable, even in harsh process conditions, and has a highly reliable and robust design that delivers improvements in plant efficiency and reduced operating costs.
  • They are suitable for measuring a wide range of flow rates, from very low to high flow rates.They are highly reliable and have a long operational life due to the lack of moving parts.

Product Specification :

Process Temperature -29 to 250 °C
Process Pressure -0.1 MPa according to flange rating
Diameter Wafer 15 to 100 mm
Flange 15 to 400 mm
Accuracy Liquid ± 0.75 % of reading (depends on Reynolds number)
Gas, Steam ± 1.0 % of reading (depends on the flow velocity)




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