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Atlas Copco 0605870094 Bushing

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Brand : Atlas Copco
P/N : 0605870094

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Atlas Copco 0605870094 Bushing

Atlas Copco 0605870094 Bushing

Product Description :

  • It refers to a type of bearing or mechanical sleeve that is used to reduce friction and wear between two moving parts. It is a cylindrical-shaped mechanical component with a hollow core (bore) that is typically inserted into a housing or another mechanical component.
  • They reduce friction and wear between the moving parts by providing a smooth surface for contact.They can absorb shocks and vibrations, reducing noise and improving the stability of the system.
  • They are essential components in mechanical and engineering systems, providing support, reducing friction, and improving the reliability and lifespan of moving parts. Their versatility in material choice and design makes them suitable for a wide range of applications across various industries.

Product Specification :

  • Brand : Atlas Copco
  • Part Number : 0605870094



Atlas Copco

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