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Atlas Copco 1089056812 Level Switch

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Brand : Atlas Copco

P/N : 1089056812

Categories: ,

Atlas Copco 1089056812 Level Switch

Atlas Copco 1089056812 Level Switch

Product Description :

  • It is a sensing device use to detect the presence or absence of a liquid, powder, or granular substance at a certain level within a container or vessel. It is commonly employed in industrial, commercial, and residential applications for various purposes, including monitoring fluid levels, controlling processes, and preventing overflow or dry running.
  • They can provide different types of output signals, depending on the design and application requirements. They are use in a wide range of industries and applications, including wastewater treatment, chemical processing, food and beverage production, pharmaceuticals, oil and gas, and HVAC systems.
  • It is installed at a specific point within the container or vessel where the level of the substance needs to be monitored.

Product Specification :

  • Width : 30mm
  • Height : 20mm
  • Length : 110mm



Atlas Copco

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