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Atlas Copco 1630204105 Roto Synthetic Ultra Oil

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Brand : Atlas Copco

P/N : 1630204105

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Atlas Copco 1630204105 Roto Synthetic Ultra Oil

Atlas Copco 1630204105 Roto Synthetic Ultra Oil

Product Description :

  • It is a type of lubricating oil specifically designed for use in rotary screw air compressors. It’s formulated to provide excellent lubrication, cooling, and protection for the compressor’s internal components, such as rotors, bearings, and seals.
  • Longer drain intervals: up to 4 000 hours or 2 years even in demanding conditions.A lower pressure drop through the oil separator reduces energy consumption.This means lubricating efficiency and screw/bearing protection is maintained under varying conditions.
  • It is typically formulated using synthetic base oils, which offer superior performance and stability compared to conventional mineral oils. Synthetic oils have higher resistance to oxidation, thermal breakdown, and viscosity changes, resulting in longer service life and extended drain intervals.

Product Specification :

  • Oil Type : Engineered synthetic based lubricant
  • Service intervals: 4 000 h or 2 year
  • Environment : Ambient temperature range from 0°C to +40°C
  • Longer service intervals will desrease the number of oil changes
  • Oil viscosity remains at a more stable level,even at high temperatures
  • High hydrolytic stability prevents rust in case of water contamination



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