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Atlas Copco 1630204120 Roto Synthetic Ultra Oil

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Brand : Atlas Copco

P/N: 1630 2041 20

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atlas copco

Atlas Copco 1630204120 Roto Synthetic Ultra Oil

Atlas Copco 1630204120 Roto Synthetic Ultra Oil

Product Description :

  • Roto Synthetic Ultra Oil is a high-performance synthetic lubricant used primarily in industrial applications, including the lubrication of motors, compressors, and other machinery.
  • It is designed to provide superior protection, reduce friction, and extend the life of equipment under demanding operating conditions.
  • They are commonly categorized based on their use, composition, and properties.
  • It is a type of synthetic motor oil design for use in various engines, including those in motorcycles, ATVs, and other recreational vehicles.
  • It’s engineered to provide superior lubrication and protection compared to conventional oils, especially under extreme conditions such as high temperatures or heavy loads.

Product Specification:

Part Number: 1630204120
Oil Type : Engineered synthetic based lubricant
Environment : Ambient temperature range from 0°C to +40°C
Equipment: Atlas Copco oil injected screws
Compatibility: GA – GX – GN – GR compressors
Service intervals::  4 000 h or 2 year




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