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CAT 9S8002 Pipe Plug

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Brand: CAT

P/N: 9S8002

Categories: ,

CAT 9S8002 Pipe Plug

CAT 9S8002 Pipe Plug

Product Description:

  • A pipe plug is a device used to seal the end of a pipe to prevent leakage of fluids or gases
  • .Pipe plugs come in various types and sizes, and they are often used in plumbing, industrial applications, or during construction and maintenance projects.
  • They are essential for ensuring that systems remain pressurized or free from leaks.
  • A pipe plug is a device used to block or close the end of a pipe temporarily.
  • It is designed to prevent the flow of fluids, gases, or other materials through a pipe during maintenance, repairs, or testing. Pipe plugs come in various forms and are selected based on the specific application and requirements.

Product Specification:

  • Height (in): 0.8
  • O-ring Seal: 3J-7354
  • Material Description: Plated Steel
  • Length (in): 0.8
  • Thread Size (in – TPI) (in): 7/16 – 20
  • Transmission and Hydraulic Oil Compatibile Seal: 3J-7354 (7/16-20)
  • Oil and Fuel Compatible Seal: 214-7566 (7/16-20)
  • Coolant and Urea Compatible Seal: 6V-9027 (7/16-20)





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