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Ingersoll Rand 39433743 Ultra Coolant

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Brand : Ingersoll Rand

P/N : 39433743

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Ingersoll Rand 39433743 Ultra Coolant

Ingersoll Rand 39433743 Ultra Coolant

Product Description :

  • It is a premium synthetic lubricant specifically formulated for rotary screw air compressors. It is manufactured by Ingersoll Rand and is designed to provide exceptional performance, efficiency, and reliability in industrial applications.
  • It is a high-performance synthetic lubricant designed to optimize the operation of rotary screw air compressors, offering benefits such as extended fluid life, improved efficiency, and environmental compliance. Choosing Ultra Coolant for your compressor system can contribute to lower operating costs, increased reliability, and enhanced productivity in industrial settings.
  • Regular monitoring and maintenance of Ultra Coolant levels are essential to ensure peak performance and longevity of air compressor systems.
  • Effectively dissipates heat generated during compression, maintaining optimal operating temperatures.Ensures compatibility with seals and elastomers commonly used in compressor systems.

Product Specification :

  • Brand : Ingersoll Rand
  • Part Number : 39433743



Ingersoll Rand

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