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Spal 24VVA34BP70LL36A Axial Fan

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Brand : Spal

P/N : 24VVA34BP70LL36A

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Spal 24VVA34BP70LL36A Axial Fan

Spal 24VVA34BP70LL36A Axial Fan

Product Desccription :

  • It is a type of fan that moves air or gases parallel to the axis of its rotor. Itโ€™s one of the most common types of fans used in various applications due to its simplicity, efficiency, and ability to provide high airflow with relatively low pressure.
  • The impeller, or rotor, consists of blades that are mounted on a central hub. As the impeller spins, it generates airflow parallel to its axis.The angle and shape of the blades are designed to push air forward, creating a flow that is directed along the length of the fan.
  • Air moves through the fan in a straight line along the axis of the blades.They are capable of moving large volumes of air but are generally less effective at generating high pressures compared to centrifugal fans.

Product Specification :

  • Brand – Spal
  • Power Connector Type- 3-Pin
  • Voltage – 24 Volts
  • Wattage- 1.56 Watts
  • Cooling Method – Air




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